3tn Industriesoftware

Specialists in optimizing transport and storage of slabs, coils and plates.

3tn designs and implements efficient industrial control software that optimizes transport and warehousing processes in the metals industry. 3tn offers integrated solutions based on proven modules and tailored to your specific production processes and conditions.

“Keeping your house tidy,
saves search time.”

Warehouse Management with TWMS/metals

Optimize the utilization of your transport and storage resources.

Our TWMS/metals warehouse management system stores your items smartly and exploits the full potential of your storage capacities. It optimizes crane movements, avoids unnecessary shifting operations - and the associated risk of damaging any stored material – while speeding up overall transport activities. Beyond that, it creates process transparency and makes your operating environment safer … bay-wide, mill-wide and works-wide.


  • Knows the processes of the metals industry.
  • Optimizes storage and transport activities.
  • Delivers a realistic, up-to-the-second 3D image of the storage situation and the use of your warehouse capacity.
  • Protects your products from damage.
  • Adapts to your specific requirements.
  • Grows with your needs.

Talk with us about
your specific application

Talk with us about
your specific application

Address & contact

Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 17
59439 Holzwickede

+49 (0) 2301 91261-11

About 3tn Industriesoftware

3tn designs and implements efficient industrial control software that optimizes transport and warehousing processes in the metals industry. 3tn offers integrated solutions based on proven modules and tailored to your specific production processes and conditions.

© 2025 | 3tn Industriesoftware GmbH
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